Industrial Pumps for Manufacturing, Food Processing, & More

Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 6″
Capacity: to 2000 gpm (60Hz)
Head: to 460 ft (60Hz)

Suction Size: 2″ to 3″
Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 2 1/2″
Capacity: 5 to 633 GPM
Head: 9 to 282 Ft.
clean water, glycol, dielectric fluid

C/E (BB1)
Horizontal, single case, Semi-centerline support or foot mount, Axial split Casing, Single-stage, Between bearing, Single or Double Suction First Stage options

CB Series
Capacity: 106 to 18,497 GPM
Head: 67 to 394 Ft.
Discharge Size: 3″ to 16”
Liquid: Clean Water

Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 1 1/2″
Discharge Size: 1″ NPT thread
Capacity: 5 to 105 GPM
Head: 3 to 255 Feet
clean water

Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 1 1/2″ NPT Thread
Discharge Size: 1″ NPT
Capacity: 5 to 66 GPM
Head: 40 to 255 Feet
clean water

Horizontal, Double case, Centerline support, Radial split casing, Multistage, Radial split diffuser inner casing, Series impeller arrangement, Single or Double Suction First Stage options

Capacity: 80 to 4000 GPM
Head: 20 to 243 Feet
Discharge Size: 4″ to 12″
dry pit configuration
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3 1/4″

Capacity: 5 to 80 GPM
Head: 40 to 151 Feet
Discharge size: 1.25″, 2″
grinder, water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″

Capacity: 20 to 2,800 GPM
Head: 7 to 185 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 10″
Range of HP: 2 to 30 HP

Discharge Size: 2″ to 4″
Range of HP: 2 to 5 HP
Capacity: 13 to 525 GPM

Capacity: 20 to 4732 GPM
Head: 7 to 254 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 12″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″

Capacity: to 3300 GPM
Head: to 158 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 12″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3 1/4″

Capacity: 15 to 536 GPM
Head: 7 to 66 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″, 4″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″

Capacity: 55 to 1345 GPM
Head: 12 to 136 Feet
Discharge: 3″, 4″, 6″
single channel impeller
water, wastewater solids to 3″

Capacity: 530 to 6,500 GPM
Head: 12 to 300 Feet
Discharge Size: 6″ to 20″
wet pit / dry pit configurations
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 5 5/8″

Capacity: 8 to 390 GPM
Head: 8 to 126 Feet
(hot) water, wastewater, treated sewage

Capacity: 2500 to 55000 GPM
Head: 5 to 50 Feet
Discharge Size: 24″ to 64″
water, wastewater, flood control

Capacity: 16 to 1200 GPM
Head: 13 to 121 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″, 4″, 6″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 5″

Capacity: 10 to 240 GPM
Head: 10 to 80 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″
(hot) water, wastewater, abrasive, suspended solids to 2 1/4″

Capacity: 16 to 430 GPM
Head: 9 to 66 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″, 3″, 4″
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 4″

Suction Size: 2″ to 2 1/2″ NPT
Discharge Size: 2″ NPT
Capacity: 25 to 290 GPM
Head: 10 to 62 Ft.
water, semi-dirty with 3/4″ solids

Capacity: 10 to 2250 GPM
Head: 5 to 340 feet
severe corrosive, contaminated, abrasive fluids

Capacity: 12 to 238 GPM
Head: 4 to 74 Ft.
water, wastewater solids to 2″

Capacity: 5 to 190 GPM
Head: 5 to 175 Feet
residential / commercial
water, sewage solids to 3″

Capacity: 30 to 6700 GPM
Head: 10 to 210 Feet
Discharge Size: 2″ to 12″
standard and high head configurations
water, wastewater, sewage solids to 3″

Vertical in-line, High speed, Integral, gear-driven, Single-stage, Overhung

Capacity: 4 to 92 GPM
Head: 5 to 61 Ft.
water, semi-dirty water solids to 3/8″

Discharge Size: up to 20″
Capacity: up to 6,600gpm
Total Dynamic Head: up to 500 ft.
Solids Handling: 3/4″ to 2″

EVMS Series
Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Capacity: 3 to 607 GPM
Head: 24 to 930 Ft.
clean water

Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 5″
Capacity: 7 1/2 to 3000 gpm (60Hz)
Head: 7 to 480 ft (60Hz)
Liquid: Clean Water

Horizontal, single case, Radial split casing, Single-stage, Overhung, ISO Standard

Suction Size: 1 1/4″ NPT
Discharge Size: 1″ NPT
Capacity: 2 to 18 1/2 GPM
Head: 63 to 203 Feet
clean water

KS (BB2)
Horizontal, single case, Centerline support. Radial split casing, Single-stage. Between bearing, Single or Double Suction First Stage options, Standard model is Top suction – Top discharge arrangement

Vertical in-line, Single stage, Overhung

R2/R2D (BB2)
Horizontal, single case, Centerline support Radial split Casing, Two-stage. Between bearing, Single or Double Suction First Stage options

PM Canned Motor Pump

Horizontal, single case, Centerline support. Radial split casing, Single-stage, Overhung, Single suction

Horizontal, single case, Centerline support, Radial split casing, single stage, Overhung, Single suction, Sealless

Vertical, Double case, Radial split casing, Multistage, Radial split diffuser or volute inner casing, Submerged bearing

Vertically suspended, Single casing, Radial split casing, Single or Multistage, Submerged bearing

VS (VS3)
Vertically suspended, Single case, Single-stage, Submerged bearing, Open impeller, Pull-out or Non-pull-out, Adjustable vane

Horizontal-overhung slurry service, Single stage, Singe suction, Double-casing, Centerline support

EVMU(L) 3, 5, 10, 18, 32, 45, & 64 Series
Suction Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Discharge Size: 1 1/4″ to 4″ ANSI
Capacity: 4 to 390 GPM
Head: 27 to 930 Feet
clean water

TH Series
Capacity: to 3,000 GPM
Head: to 710 Ft.
Discharge Size: 1″ to 6″
clean water